Perfect Breakfast

 Good morning everyone! A new week is starting and I am very excited about all the proejcts I will be starting/finishing this week. 
Here is a great recipe for a healthy breakfast.
You need:
 1 ripped avocado
 1 egg
1 garlic clove
Olive oil
Chilly powder
1 Mango
Peel the avocado and slice it in half. With a t-spoon, empy the half, leaving a thick edge. 
What you took out, mix with a whole egg, the basil, salt, pepper, a bit of chilly powder. 
Cut the garlic clove in little bits and place some on the inner bottom of the avocado half together with a sprinkle of olive oil.
Fill it with the mixture you just made.

Put it in a frying pan, or even better, bake it in the oven.
Cut some mango  bits and place on top of the dish.
Serve with a glass of fresh orange juice or even with steamed vegetables on the side.

Buna dimineata tuturor!
A inceput o noua saptamana si ma bucur tare mult cu gandul ca voi incepe/ temina multe proiecte interesante pe parcursul zilelor ce vor urma.
Va ofer o reteta perfecta pentru un mic dejuns satios si sanatos.
1 avocado copt
1 ou
1 catel de usturoi
ulei de masline
Pudra chilly
1 Mango

Decojiti fructul de avocado si taiati-l in doua, scotand si samburele. Apoi cu o lingurita, goliti  o parte din continut, lasand o margine destul de groasa. Ce ati scos din jumatatea de fruct amestecati cu un ou , busuioc, sare, piper, putina pudra de chilly. Taiati catelul de usturoi in bucatele mici pe care le puneti in jumtatle de fruct impreuna cu o picatura de ulei de masline.
Umpleti bucatile de avocado cu mixtura facuta dupa care se pun in tigaie, sau si mai bine, in cuptor la prajit respectiv copt.
Taiati cateva bucatele de mango pe care le asezati deasupra mancarii cand e deja gata.
Serviti cu un pahar de suc natural de portocale, sau chiar cu legume fierte la aburi.
Pofta buna!


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