Pastels for a fresh look

Pastels are in this year! Even if I wasn't a fan of pale colors, it seems this trend got my  attention now. 
Light blue, mint green, pale yellow, peach, lavender, and beige. Mixing and matching them up can give you he summer feel that your daily outfit needs, plus an overdose of optimism and joy of life!
I am in love with the mint top, yellow denim shirt and peachy shorts that I would even wear them together as an outfit! Which are your favorite items?

Culorile pastelate sunt un hit al acestui sezon si chiar daca inainte nu eram mare fan, acum au reusit sa ma cucereasca! Albastru deschis, verde menta, galben pal, lavanda, bej si piersica. Asortandu-le in fel si chip  poti obtine acel suflu de vara de care tinuta ta are nevoie in fiecare zi, plus o supradoza de optimism si pofta de viata!
Eu personal m-am indragostit de camasa galbena de blugi, topul verde menta si pantalonii scurti de culoarea piersicii pe care le-as purta chiar deodata pentru o tinuta super colorata si fresh.
Care sunt favoritele voastre?

For easy shopping I gathered the links for you here below


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