My first video tutorial

I have tons of great news for you guys!.
Super sales from Mart of china and Romwe, just time to get Christmas present at great prices, right?
I still have 2 giveaways running for you, so don't forget to check them out. 
And, tadammmm, my first DIY clip.(I know I still have to improve some things)
It's a no sew leather handbag that can also be a great gift for your bff, right?
Let me know if you like and if you want me to do more.

Am tone de vesti bune pentru voi!
Super reduceri de la Mart of china si Romwe, la timp penrtu a comanda cadouri pentru cei dragi la preturi foarte bune.
Doua concursuri inca va asteapta pe blog .
Si,, tadammmmmmmmmmmm, primul meu tutorial video(stiu ca mai e de lucrat), dar sper sa va placa.
E de fapt o geanta facuta dintr-un cerc. Sa imi spuneti daca v-ar placea sa mai fac astfel de clipuri.

Super slim price flash sale!  Only 7 days!
The Greatest Hits Collection!  $9.99 up!
Comment under the product, and get a chance to win a free one.
Already started! Don’t miss, girls!


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